Ebisu-ko is the festival day for the deity Ebisu. In west Japan Ebisu is the deity of merchants and in the east he is a farming god. Different places celebrate him differently, but October 19th and 20th are the most common Ebisu festival times.
Nagasaki Kunchi Festival 長崎くんち ながさきくんち
About the Nagasaki Kunchi Festival he Nagasaki Kunchi Festival is held from October 7th through 9th every year. It got its name from being originally held on the 9th day …
Yoshida Fire Festival In Yamanashi Prefecture 吉田の火祭り よしだのひまつり (山梨 やまなし)
The Yoshida Fire Festival In Yamanashi Prefecture certainly puts the “Fire” in Fire Festival on August 26th and 27th of every year.
Jizō Bon 地蔵盆 じぞうぼん
Jizō Bon is primarily a child based festival that is centered on Kyoto. It signifies the end of summer vacation and the coming of autumn. It really isn’t a touristy thing, but if you are in Kyoto at this time, by all means buy some flowers, have some sweets, take some photos, and just take it all in and have fun.
Kyoto Gozan Okuribi or Daimonji Festival 五山送り火 ござんおくりび(京都 きょうと)
Kyoto Gozan Okuribi, or Daimonji Festival is on August 16th every year, large bonfires are lit in patterns that cover five mountainsides to give the effect of kanjis the size of a mountain are written in fire floating in the night sky.
Bon Festival お盆 おぼん
Obon is a very special time of year with modern celebrations held along with the traditional rituals. Originally from India, it is now a Japanese tradition.
Yosakoi Festival よさこい祭り よさこいまつり
Kochi’s most famous festival has to be Yosakoi! Held over 4 days from Aug 9~12, the whole of Kochi City is over-run by Yosakoi-Dance troupes.
Akita Kantō Festival 秋田竿燈祭り あきたかんとうまつり
The Akita Kanto Festival is said to have its origin as a Star Festival event in the Edo period designed to drive away the sleepiness during midsummer and evil spirits. It has been passed down from the townsmen living below Akita’s Kubota Castle.
Aomori Nebuta Festival 青森ねぶた祭り あおもりねぶたまつり
The Aomori Nebuta Festival is a Japanese fire festival held annually between August 2nd and 7th in Aomori city with over twenty massive lanterns floats!
Gion Festival (Kyoto City) 祇園祭り ぎおんまつり
How It All Started In the year 869 there was an epidemic in the newly built city of Heian (today’s Kyoto). There was a religious parade to appease the gods. …
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