Map of Tokyo Metropolitan Gardens across the Metropolis

In Exploring and Socializing, Japan, Maps, Tokyo Metropolitan Gardens, Travel by Pjechorin

Map of Tokyo Metropolitan Gardens across the Metropolis

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More Information Each Of The Tokyo Metropolitan Gardens : 東京都故園

Photo by Dominik Bednarz on Unsplash
About the Author


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I have lived and worked with my family in Japan since 2005. For many years I have been interested in the very practical and creative side of Japanese culture. In my free time I travel around, enjoy hiking in the countryside and cities, and just generally seeing and doing new things. This blog is primarily a way for me to focus my energies and record and teach others about what I have learned by experience constructively. I am interested in urban development, and sustainable micro-economics, especially home-economics, and practical things everyday families can do to survive and thrive through these changing times.

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