Tip #7 Use Bathwater in the Washing Machine

In Getting Along in Everyday Life in Japan, Just for Fun by Pjechorin

Tip 7 How to Use Bathwater to Wash Clothes

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I have lived and worked with my family in Japan since 2005. For many years I have been interested in the very practical and creative side of Japanese culture. In my free time I travel around, enjoy hiking in the countryside and cities, and just generally seeing and doing new things. This blog is primarily a way for me to focus my energies and record and teach others about what I have learned by experience constructively. I am interested in urban development, and sustainable micro-economics, especially home-economics, and practical things everyday families can do to survive and thrive through these changing times.

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Tip #7 Machine Washing Clothes with Old Bath Water

Not every washing machine can use bathwater in the clothes washing machine. It is necessary for the machine to be outfitted with a special pump for using bathwater in the washing machine and the less expensive options don’t have it. Unfortunately only a few washing machine makers provide this option. But if you are in Japan for the long term, this would be a useful investment. Anything that saves resources saves money as well. Some costs are less obvious than others. Water bills are especially difficult to keep track of. You have no idea how much you have actually used until you get your bill and not taking a shower is not really an option. Also, Japanese clothes washing machines are almost completely plastic and cannot handle hot water. These machines hook up to the non-heated tap only. However, the thrifty Japanese have devised a clever way of solving water use efficiency and no hot water for washing clothes with one stone. They can reuse the old bath water that is still somewhat warm.

It Is So Obvious That Nobody Bothers to Tell You

I lived in Japan for six years before I figured out using bathwater in the washing machine. When I first got my initial apartment I got a new clothes washing machine. Included with it was a long extra tube that I had no idea what it was for. It was my first apartment in Japan so I just that it was efficient for the plumbing to have the washroom the same as the laundry room just right there next to the shower room. Eventually, I noticed all of my friends’ apartment were the same layout. Then I got my second apartment and it was the same thing. Then we bought a brand new apartment and guess what, the exact same placing of all of these elements together. Soon the old washing machine was too small for our growing family so we bought a new one. And there was the long tube again and it dawned on me, this has a purpose, they never just give you anything.

Water Savings Galore !!

After a short inspection and actually reading the manual for our new Toshiba washing machine we finally figured out how to use bathwater in the clothes washing machine. It turns out that the tube runs from the top of the clothes washing machine a short distance to the bath. It can be removed when you are not using it and stored away somewhere. Once I started using this my water bill dropped by about thirty to forty percent! Over several years this has saved me hundreds of US dollars that I have used to by toys for my children and some little extras. Also the slightly warmer water cleans the clothing a little better. However, you should be careful to always use softner that smells good because sometimes the bath water doesn’t have a fresh scent all by itself.

How to Use the Used Bath Water Function On Your Clothes Washer

Everybody’s washing machine is going to be a little different, but this is how my machine is set up. Your’s will be mostly similar

There will be a small hole, possibly obscured by a sticker, on top of your washing machine. It is for attaching the hose that came with your washing machine. It looks something like this.
japanese clohes washing machine bath water hose connection point
The hose looks something like this.Japanese washing machine bath water hose

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