On August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered unconditionally on the 15th, ending World War II. On End of War Memorial Day a national memorial service has been held every year since 1988 to reflect on the mistakes and disasters of the war and to pledge peace.
Bon Festival お盆 おぼん
Obon is a very special time of year with modern celebrations held along with the traditional rituals. Originally from India, it is now a Japanese tradition.
Mountain Day 山の日 やまのひ
Mountain Day occurs on August 11th, or the following Monday becomes a day off if it is on the weekend, almost every year, except 2020 (August 10th).
Yosakoi Festival よさこい祭り よさこいまつり
Kochi’s most famous festival has to be Yosakoi! Held over 4 days from Aug 9~12, the whole of Kochi City is over-run by Yosakoi-Dance troupes.
Atomic Bomb Memorial Day for Nagasaki 原爆記念日 (長崎) げんばくきねんび(ながさき)
Atomic Bomb Memorial Day for Nagasaki takes place on August 9th of ever year. It is basically a time or Japanese people to contemplate the horrors of war and benefits of peace.
Risshū 立秋 りっしゅう
Risshū is the 13th solar term of the 24 term Ancient Chinese Calendar.
Atomic Bomb Memorial Day in Hiroshima 原爆記念日 げんばくきねんび
On the Atomic Bomb Memorial Day in Hiroshima the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony is held each year on August 6th, the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.
Akita Kantō Festival 秋田竿燈祭り あきたかんとうまつり
The Akita Kanto Festival is said to have its origin as a Star Festival event in the Edo period designed to drive away the sleepiness during midsummer and evil spirits. It has been passed down from the townsmen living below Akita’s Kubota Castle.
Aomori Nebuta Festival 青森ねぶた祭り あおもりねぶたまつり
The Aomori Nebuta Festival is a Japanese fire festival held annually between August 2nd and 7th in Aomori city with over twenty massive lanterns floats!
Water Day 水の日 みずのひ
Water day in Japan is on August 1st at the beginning of summer vacation by the Japanese government to promote learning about and appreciating water resources.