Okeramairi is a Kyoto tradtion dating back to the Heian era. People go to Yasaka shrine to bring home a burning rope for good luck the coming year.
Namahage in Akita Prefecture 生剥 なまはげ(秋田)
Namahage is a cultural tradition in Akita prefecture that occurs on December 31st every year and is very similar to the Grumpus tradition around Austria.
Omisoka Or Japanese New Year’s Eve : 大晦日 おおみそか
Japanese New Years Eve Activities Happy Omisoka to You! raditionally, important activities for the concluding year and day were completed in order to start the new year fresh. Some of …
OSeibo Or Japanese End of Year Gift Giving : お歳暮 おせいぼ
Gifts! But Not From Santa. OSeibo are gifts for the certain special business associate seibo is the Japanese end of year gift giving tradition usually of a subordinate to a …
Last Day of Work for the Year at Government Offices in Japan : Goyosame 御用納め ごようおさめ
Better Get Your Necessary Government Documentation Done By Goyosame! oyosame is the last day of work for the year at government offices in Japan. It is December 28th every year.. …
Kasuga Wakamiya On-Matsuri 春日若宮おん祭 かすがわかみやおんまつり
The Kasuga Wakamiya On-Matsuri from December 15th to 18th was originally created to pray away an epidemic. Later it became about getting a good harvest.
Shōsetsu 小雪 しょうせつ
What and When is Shōsetsu (小雪 しょうせつ)? Shosetsu occures from November 23rd (November 22nd in 2024) to December 6th and means “little snowfall”. It is the second solar term or begins …