June in Japan is when things just begin to get hot… And then the rainy season starts and it cools down and becomes incredibly humid. I mean wet sauna level humid. But there are still plenty of fun holidays and events to keep things ineresting ;-D You just have to remember to bring an umbrella.
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June in Japan Calendar
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Events for June

Events for June
Events for June
Events for June
Events for June

Events for June

Events for June
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Events for June
Events for June
Events for June
Events for June
Events for June
Events for June
Events for June
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Events for June
Events for June
Events for June
Events for June
Events for June
Events for June
Events for June
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Events for June
Events for June
Events for June
June in Japan Map
Timeline of June in Japan
Koromagae: The Time to Change Seasonal Uniforms For Summer In Japan 衣替え ころもがえ
Koromagae on June 1st is one of two times a year that people in Japan are scheduled to changed their uniforms for work or school from winter to summer attire. ...
09 June 2025
YOSAKOI Soran Festival in Sapporo YOSAKOI ソーラン祭り YOSAKOI ソーランまつり
This festival is held yearly for five days and usually ends on the second Sunday of June. But the schedule can change of there are other big events going in Sapporo at the same time. So please double check the festival website! ...
09 June 2025
YOSAKOI Soran Festival in Sapporo YOSAKOI ソーラン祭り YOSAKOI ソーランまつり
This festival is held yearly for five days and usually ends on the second Sunday of June. But the schedule can change of there are other big events going in Sapporo at the same time. So please double check the festival website! ...
09 June 2025
YOSAKOI Soran Festival in Sapporo YOSAKOI ソーラン祭り YOSAKOI ソーランまつり
This festival is held yearly for five days and usually ends on the second Sunday of June. But the schedule can change of there are other big events going in Sapporo at the same time. So please double check the festival website! ...
09 June 2025
YOSAKOI Soran Festival in Sapporo YOSAKOI ソーラン祭り YOSAKOI ソーランまつり
This festival is held yearly for five days and usually ends on the second Sunday of June. But the schedule can change of there are other big events going in Sapporo at the same time. So please double check the festival website! ...
YOSAKOI Soran Festival in Sapporo YOSAKOI ソーラン祭り YOSAKOI ソーランまつり
This festival is held yearly for five days and usually ends on the second Sunday of June. But the schedule can change of there are other big events going in Sapporo at the same time. So please double check the festival website! ...
Toki no Kinenbi: The Japanese Anniversary of Time 時の記念日 ときのきねんび
Toki no Kinenbi, or The Anniversary of Time in Japan, on June 10th every year commemorates the day when a clock device was first used in Japan. ...
NyuBai or the Beginning of the Rainy Season In Japan 入梅 にゅうばい or 梅雨入り つゆいり
NyuBai or TsuyuIri is the official beginning of the rainy season in Japan. Of course the weather doesn't obey calendars, but it does begin about this time every year. Farmers use this date to determine the rice planting season. From now on just expect many beautiful Ajisai flowers to blossom until July. ...
Summer’s Prayers 夏越の祓え なごしのはらえ
Get ready to pass through the giant grass ring at the Shinto shrine's tori gate to symbolize passing through the heat of summer! Summer's Prayers is a time to go out and pray to the god ;-D ...
Koromagae: The Time to Change Seasonal Uniforms For Summer In Japan 衣替え ころもがえ
Koromagae on June 1st is one of two times a year that people in Japan are scheduled to changed their uniforms for work or school from winter to summer attire. ...
09 June 2026
YOSAKOI Soran Festival in Sapporo YOSAKOI ソーラン祭り YOSAKOI ソーランまつり
This festival is held yearly for five days and usually ends on the second Sunday of June. But the schedule can change of there are other big events going in Sapporo at the same time. So please double check the festival website! ...
09 June 2026
YOSAKOI Soran Festival in Sapporo YOSAKOI ソーラン祭り YOSAKOI ソーランまつり
This festival is held yearly for five days and usually ends on the second Sunday of June. But the schedule can change of there are other big events going in Sapporo at the same time. So please double check the festival website! ...
Photo by Susann Schuster on Unsplash
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