Home Events - Exoteric Japan December in Japan Japanese Cultural Calendar Okerasai Festival (Kyoto, Yasaka Jinja(Shrine) 京都市東山区にある八坂神社)白朮祭 をけら詣り をけら参り おけらまいり 
Two young women lighting a coil of rope at a lantern with a raging fire., December in Japan

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Dec 31 2024


7:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Okerasai Festival (Kyoto, Yasaka Jinja(Shrine) 京都市東山区にある八坂神社)白朮祭 をけら詣り をけら参り おけらまいり 

Holiday Events Such As The Okerasai Festival May Be Postponed Or Cancelled Due To The Ongoing Coronavirus Epedimic
Hang in there and stay safe ;-D

Light Some Bamboo Rope For a Year’s Worth of Good Luck

The Okerasai Festival at Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto on December 31st every year from about 7 pm to the wee hours if New Year morning is a unique event that reflects the culture of old Heian Kyo. After the festival and ceremony for purification of sins (Joya-sai), the Okera fire is moved to the two Okera Tourou. People ignite the lantern’s matchlock with the sacred fire then carry the lantern back home to ignite a candle before the home altar. They make zouni (rice cakes boiled with vegetables on New Year’s Day) by that fire and pray for happiness during the new year.


In English
In Japanese

Photo thanks to Mainichi.com.

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