Home Events - Exoteric Japan Japanese Cultural Calendar June in Japan Father’s Day in Japan 父の日 ちちのひ
Japanese Cultural Calendar, Father’s Day in Japan, Japanese Culture, June in Japan, A Japanese father holding their baby at an evening festival.

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Father’s Day in Japan 父の日 ちちのひ

A Day to Show Appreciation for Dad’s in Japan

Father’s Day in Japan is celebrated the same as in the United States. The traditional gift for fathers is a white rose, something yellow, and/or the love and admiration of their children. Also the kids should help out with thee father’s household duties on this day. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of June every year.

The Origins of Father’s Day

Like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day has its origins in the United States. With the success of Mother’s Day people began thinking of honoring fathers as well as early as 1910. The first Father’s Day was held in Spokane, Washington on the third Sunday of June that year. President Woodrow Wilson even came to Spokane to help bring attention to the event. But when he tried to set a national Father’s Day, the congress opposed him because it might have been used for commercial purposes. Father’s Day was not proclaimed a holiday until 1966 by L. B. Johnson. Father’s Day became a national holiday when it was signed into law by Richard Nixon in 1972.

The Origin’s of Father’s Day in Japan

For a long time Father’s Day in Japan was not so popular. Then in 1981 the “Japanese Men’s Fashion Association” stepped forward and created the “Japanese Father’s Day Committee” which decided that since pink was the color for Mother’s Day, then yellow would be the color for Father’s Day in Japan. Yellow represents protection of yourself and loved ones. They also began holding “The Best Father of the Year” awards. Apparently several Japanese actors have won, such as Takeshi Tsuruno. Though Father’s Day in America is an officially recognized holiday throughout the country, in Japan there seems to be no legislation backing the holiday. It seems that Father’s Day caught on during the 1950’s in Japan and has increased in popularity dramatically since the 1980’s.

Gifts for Father’s Day in Japan

Gifts for Japanese Father’s Day range from alcohol such as beer and shochu (Japanese distilled liquor) to seafood. Since the “Yellow Ribbon Campaign” from the “Japanese Father’s Day Committee” set up by the “Japanese Men’s Fashion Association” something with the color yellow is appropriate from shirts to neckties. Of course there are questions about the purpose of Father’s Day being all about commercialism since it was promoted by a business association. However, if you want to save money and do something nice for your father that will probably go over nicely, too.

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Image thanks to Scion_Cho @ Flickr.com

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