A little snow on red maple leaves.

From Amazon Japan


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Nov 22 2024 - Dec 07 2024


All Day

Shōsetsu 小雪 しょうせつ

Shōsetsu is the time of year between November 22nd and December 6th according to the traditional Chinese calendar. It was also the time when snows were first expected to fall.

Around November 23rd (November 22nd in 2023). and the period leading up to heavy snowfall .
Solar yellow diameter is 240 degrees. Around the 15th day counting from the beginning of 
winter .

It’s about time for the news of snow to arrive from the north, but winter hasn’t officially arrived yet. It was called light snow because it wasn’t that much snow.

This is the time when the sunlight becomes weaker and the autumn leaves begin to fall, and the ginkgo and citrus fruits turn yellow.
It’s getting colder and colder, so be prepared for winter. It can also be used as a guide for preparing for year-end gifts.

*It is pronounced “Shosetsu” instead of “Koyuki”. Definitely.

Weather “light snow”
In the Japan Meteorological Agency’s forecast terminology, “light snow” refers to snow that continues to fall for several hours, but with less than 1 mm of precipitation per hour.
*If the expression “koyuki” is not appropriate in northern Japan or the regions along the Sea of ​​Japan, the expression “yuki” is used.

Japanese Fun With Words
Shimoyo 霜夜 しもよ:
A cold night with clear skies and frost.

Thanks to https://tenki.jp for the great photo!

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