Home Events - Exoteric Japan Japanese Cultural Calendar June in Japan Summer’s Prayers 夏越の祓え なごしのはらえ
Japanese Culture, June in Japan, A young woman sweeping the shrine grounds somewhere in Japan.

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Jun 30 2025


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Summer’s Prayers 夏越の祓え なごしのはらえ

Prayers for a Good Second Half of the Year

OK, I am having trouble translating the name of this event. Basically it translates as Summer’s Barking, but they pray for the second half of the year to be good. So, Summer’s Prayers it is!

From Heian times there was a tradition of making a grass circle large enough or people to pass through. People who did were saying or chanting a kind of prayer. Successfully doing this three times meant that you would pass through the heat of summer.


In Japanese

Items related to Summer’s Prayers at Amazon Japan

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