Japanese Culture, Tokyo Metropolitan Gardens : 東京都故園, Japanese Culture, A path winding through a bamboo wood.

Tonogayato Garden 殿ヶ谷戸庭園

In Exploring and Socializing, Japan, Tokyo Metropolitan Gardens, Travel by Pjechorin

A traditional Japanese garden in western Tokyo

Tonogayato Garden (殿ヶ谷戸庭園) is a beautiful traditional Japanese garden with a very large tea house near Kokubunji city in western Tokyo.

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  • Address:

    2-16 Minamicho, Kokubunji-shi

  • Contact:


  • Open hours:

    9am – 5pm (entry until 4:30pm)

  • Closed:

    Dec. 29 – Jan. 1

  • Entrance fee:

    General ¥150, 65 and older ¥70 < /br> (No charge for children aged 12 or under, and junior high school students living or attendng school in Tokyo) < /br> Annual pass ¥600 (65 or older ¥280)

Flower Calendar

  • Feb. – Mar. : Camellia, Japanese apricot
  • Mar. – Apr. : Dogtooth violet, Ornamental peach tree, Japanese andromeda
  • May – Jun. : Azalea, Bellflower
  • Jun. – Jul. : Hydrangea
  • Jul. – Aug. : Watsonia, Anemonopsis macrophylia
  • Aug. – Sep. : Red spider lily, Japanese bush clover
  • Sep. – Oct. : Toad lily, Cotton rosemallow
  • Nov. – Dec. : Leopard plant, Sasanqua, Maple (red leaves)
  • Nov. – Feb. : Yukitsuri and Fuyugakoi (Winter plant protections)
  • Dec. – Jan. : Winter sweet

Background and History of Tonogayato Gardens

This is a modern villa garden that was built taking advantage of the terrace cliff on the southern edge of the Musashino plateau. An one space with a bright lawn at the top of the cliff contrasts sharply with the forested pond and bamboo woods at the bottom. The gardens were constructed from 1913 to 1915 as a villa for Eguchi Sadae who would become vice president of the South Manchuria Railway Company. Then, in 1929, Iwasaki Hikoyata, president of Mitsubishi Goshi Kaisya purchased this villa from the Eguchi family. As a result of the neighborhood protest movement to protect this garden against the development plan of the surrounding areas in the 1960s, this place was purchased by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in 1974. After upgrading and preparing the grounds, it was re-opened as a Place of Scenic Beauty of the Country as Tonogayato Gardens.

Features and Sights to See

Jirobenten-ike (pond)

In this garden, there is a cliff edge where underground water gushes out and forms the spring water fed pond of “Jirobenten-ike”. There are many densely planted trees, such as maples, around this pond.

Seasonal wild grasses and trees

The rich natural formations of Musashino can be seen in Tonogayato Garden. Through various colorful wild grasses and trees, like Dogtooth violets and Noble Orchids, that blossom in spring, you can feel and enjoy the great nature of Musashino throughout the year.

View of Tonogayato Garden from the Koyo-tei

A typical tea ceremony house is located there. From there you can see splendid Japanese maples that turn bright red in mid to late autumn. The tea house is available for tea ceremonies as well as haiku gatherings.

About the Author


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I have lived and worked with my family in Japan since 2005. For many years I have been interested in the very practical and creative side of Japanese culture. In my free time I travel around, enjoy hiking in the countryside and cities, and just generally seeing and doing new things. This blog is primarily a way for me to focus my energies and record and teach others about what I have learned by experience constructively. I am interested in urban development, and sustainable micro-economics, especially home-economics, and practical things everyday families can do to survive and thrive through these changing times.


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