Mejiro Garden 豊島区立目白庭園

In Exploring and Socializing, Japan, Tokyo Metropolitan Gardens, Travel by Pjechorin

A Modern Japanese Garden

Mejiro Garden is a relatively new garden built on a modern design in Toshima ward. You can find dramatic rock arrangements and a tea house.

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  • Address:
    3-20-16 Mejiro, Toshima-ku
  • Contact:
  • Open hours:
    9am – 5pm (Jul. – Aug. 9am – 7pm)
  • Closed:
    The second and fourth Monday of the month (the following weekday if it falls on a public/substitute holiday) Dec. 29 – Jan. 3
  • Entrance fee:
    Free of charge

Flower Calendar

  • Jan. – Feb. : Camellia, Japanese apricot
  • Mar. – Apr. : Weeping cherry, Azalea, Hall’s crabapple
  • May – Jun. : Satsuki azalea
  • Jul. – Aug. : Crape myrtle
  • Sep. – Oct. : Japanee bush clover, Red spider lily, Japanese anemone
  • Nov. – Dec. : Sasanqua, Kanboke

Background and History of Mejiro Garden

This strolling garden built by Toshima ward in 1990 is a classic Japanese formative garden and the work of the renowned Japanese landscape designer Ito Kunie. The garden embodies the traditional Japanese sense of natural beauty and aesthetic. The pool is surrounded by artificial hills, waterfalls that flow rom their peaks, and valleys. The rise and all of the land showcase a wealth o different environments and a variety of performances are held in the Sekichoan, made to be reminiscent of the children’s magazine,”Akai-Tori’ (lt. Red Bird).

Features and Sights to See

A bright modern-day garden

This Japanese garden is located amidst a bright, modern atmosphere. If you take a walk around the pond as the wind blows through the garden, causing the reflection of the trees in the pond to drift from side to side, you’ll notice how the scenery ahead of you is constantly changing and keeping you enthralled. You can rest at the Rokkaku-Ukimido that floats on the pond and enjoy the sound of the waterfall .

Rock arrangements

Rocks from Makioka in Yamanashi prefecture have been used to express the rugged hills, waterfall, valley, stream, and pond in the garden. The rock arrangements comprised of many rocks taken rom a single mountain create scenery that allows you to experience the great outdoors in a way that simply gathering garden rock material’s couldn’t.


The view of Mejiro Garden from the Sukiyaki-style tea houses makes you feel like you’re in the gardens even when you’re inside a building. The stylized characters for “Mejiro” written across the doorway and the lighting inside the tea house communicate a strong sense of design. The Sekicho-an can be used for a variety of other purposes other than as tea ceremony.


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