Koromogae: October Seasonal Change Of Clothing 衣替え ころもがえ
Cool Biz is Out, Autumn Fashion is In
The October Seasonal Change of Clothing is usually set on October 1st. However, Hokkaido and Okinawa would naturally be on a little different system. The practice came about from China at the same time the Japanese adopted kimonos from there; roughly the sixth and seventh centuries A.D.. Today, because of the wide changes in seasonal temperature and the use of suits for both school and business, it makes sense to have two pairs at least. Other than just changing clothes to be comfortable, it is also a time to throw out old worn clothing and to buy new clothes. Department stores will arrange their stock in accordance with these days.Koromogae is Really Practical
One of the more interesting things about Japan is how imminently practical they are. Even from more than a thousand years ago, it was decided that this would be the day to change from summer to winter clothes. Because of this people didn’t waste any energy trying to figure out the right time to change. And everybody just changes from summer to winter wear at the same time. Today the October seasonal change Of clothing is a kind of time management strategy to deal with procrastination or doing things you want to do instead of the things you should be doing. Just schedule some time and don’t worry about it because you know that you made time for it. This is that strategy in action, across an entire country, since ancient times!References
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Photo thanks to Entame Lab.
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